Güncel Patoloji Dergisi
2018, Cilt 2, Sayı 1
Gleason Grading System and the Life Story of Donald Gleason
1 İstanbul Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Tıbbi Patoloji Bölümü, İSTANBUL
DOI : 10.5146/jcpath.2018.24 The Gleason histopathological grading system of prostate cancers has been widely used for more than 60 years. In this review, the life story of Donald Gleason, the scientist of the Gleason system, is considered from an epistemological point of view. Anahtar Kelimeler : Gleason grading system, Prostatic cancer, Epistomology
DOI : 10.5146/jcpath.2018.24 The Gleason histopathological grading system of prostate cancers has been widely used for more than 60 years. In this review, the life story of Donald Gleason, the scientist of the Gleason system, is considered from an epistemological point of view. Anahtar Kelimeler : Gleason grading system, Prostatic cancer, Epistomology