DOI : 10.5146/jcpath.2018.19 Aim: Lung cancer is one of the most important health problem being in the first line of cancer deaths in both sex. Enviromental factors, especially smoking, play an important role in etiology. In recent years, campaigns have reduced the incidence rates. However, high mortality rates in lung cancer necessiates investigation of new prognostic markers. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the relationship of COX-2, VGEF and TGF ß with known prognostic factors, which play important role in angiogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer.
Materials and Methods: The cases constituted 41 non-small cell lung cancers diagnosed between 1995-2006 at Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology. Clinicopathologic data was obtained from the archival resords. In addition, COX-2, VEGF and TGF? immunoreactivity were determined by stereological methods.
Results: Our cases consist of 30 resections and 11 biopsy materials from 40 male and one female patients with a mean age of 57. Our cases consist entirely of squamous cell carcinomas. COX-2 and VEGF showed a parallel relationship with decreased differentiation. TGF-ß immunoreactivity was observed, but no correlation was found with differentiation.
Conclusion: Neo-angiogenesis markers COX-2 and VEGF Show a positive correlation with tumor differentiation. In contrast, TGF ? immunoreactivity is not correlated with differentiation. In conclusion, tumor angiogenesis may be an important prognostic parameter for non-small cell lung carcinomas.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Lung cancer, Angiogenesis, COX-2, VEGF, TGF ß